

The Biggest Tech Industry Buzzwords, Defined for Normal People

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The tech industry loves catchy phrases, but the truth is that most of them either don’t mean anything or they’re just complicated ways to phrase simple ideas. So what crowdfunding, the cloud, cryptocurrency and others mean? Lifehacker tells us. Learn More

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This week, though, Microsoft announced new partnerships with Evernote, Yelp, IFTTT, and Wunderlist, as well as other apps, to make Outlook (and you) more connected.


11 cool back-to-school tech tools

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Equip yourself for a successful year with these campus tech tools, including an innovative note-taking pen, a laptop-friendly backpack and a clever space-saving power strip. According to Computerworld school supplies these days doesn’t mean just the notebooks, pencils and other analog tools you’ll find at the local superstore — it means digital technology of all […]

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